Bear in mind, this is based solely on my experience with the one I know. Thankfully it was just one. Your signs may be different but some may be in common.
As usual, I have been referring to the sociopath as pathetic wretch (pw).
Does not blink / Abnormal blinking
I have a theory that psychopaths lack the ability to blink. It’s covered in more detail below, but important enough to mention at the top. Sociopaths and narcissists would have the ability.
The pw is highly competitive and envious. It wants to be better than you at everything. It tries to find out what you do and what you're good at then tries to beat you at those.
Does not blink / Abnormal blinking
I have a theory that psychopaths lack the ability to blink. It’s covered in more detail below, but important enough to mention at the top. Sociopaths and narcissists would have the ability.
The pw is highly competitive and envious. It wants to be better than you at everything. It tries to find out what you do and what you're good at then tries to beat you at those.
Very subtle signs of unhappiness when you have good news.
Always seems unhappy. Rarely smiles. When it smiles or laughs, does so in a knowing or sinister sort of way. You've never truly seen a laugh of hilarity.
You are probably the first to smile and greet. It's natural for you but if you don't smile first, does it?
It tries to copy your or others' behavior, mannerisms, speech etc.
Wants power and control
Wants power and control
Wants to be powerful. Doesn't understand the meaning of power. Believes power involves controlling others.
Wears black a lot because it associates black with power. Drives black cars. Prefers to see its children wear black only.
Ironically, the pw lacks the willpower to control its behavior.
Ironically, the pw lacks the willpower to control its behavior.
Obtains information indirectly
Doesn't ask direct questions but goes around in circles to find something out. In some cases this will appear as playing mind games. It's not. The motive is much simpler and far more sinister than you imagined. It is actually looking for information but can't afford to give away what information it is looking for or why.
Innocuous questions or statements are made in a threatening tone. You may think it's a mind game but again, the motive is actually to obtain information. The reason behind it is a sinister one. For example, "How was your day?" Pw has done something it thinks will make your day miserable and wants to know if it had the intended effect. There is also a possibility that you won't discover what was done until later in the day. Some time after, it will want to know if the rest of your day was still great.
If a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it, did it make a sound? If a pw is wreaking havoc in your life and you don't know it or are attributing it to random circumstances, can it really have the satisfaction of feeling it has power and control over you? But it can't come out and tell you what it has done to you. Think about the implications of what I've said. See? I just did what a pw has a habit of doing.
Lots of non-sequiturs, strange digressions, weird things are said. These fall into one of the above three categories.
Obtains lots of little detailed information about you
Is interested in all the little details of your life that no one else is. Wants to know details of your schedule, when you do everything you do, among other questions. You think to yourself that only someone who cares about you would ask all these little itty bitty details. This person appears to be really in tune with you.
Some of the detailed questions the pw asks are to obtain information to aid it in getting away with whatever it's doing in your life. Others are curiosity based. It is aware of certain things you do, likely from a criminal invasion of your privacy, and would like more information.
Refreshing conversationalists
They are, believe it or not, entertaining conversationalists. They speak freely with no regard for consequence since they lack fear. As such the conversations are refreshing. Because they are keenly aware of and interested in all that is meaningful to you, their conversations will be interesting. They will pose questions (meaningful to them) on “hypothetical” situations that would never have crossed your mind, forcing you to think in unique ways as they feel out how you would react to situations they would like to put you in.
Obtains lots of little detailed information about you
Is interested in all the little details of your life that no one else is. Wants to know details of your schedule, when you do everything you do, among other questions. You think to yourself that only someone who cares about you would ask all these little itty bitty details. This person appears to be really in tune with you.
Some of the detailed questions the pw asks are to obtain information to aid it in getting away with whatever it's doing in your life. Others are curiosity based. It is aware of certain things you do, likely from a criminal invasion of your privacy, and would like more information.
Refreshing conversationalists
They are, believe it or not, entertaining conversationalists. They speak freely with no regard for consequence since they lack fear. As such the conversations are refreshing. Because they are keenly aware of and interested in all that is meaningful to you, their conversations will be interesting. They will pose questions (meaningful to them) on “hypothetical” situations that would never have crossed your mind, forcing you to think in unique ways as they feel out how you would react to situations they would like to put you in.
From conversation alone, it appears to glean plenty of information about unspoken events taking place in the lives of others. Yet, you feel there is something missing in its social communication skillset. It appears unable to grasp subtle nuances in conversation, including subtext. These two traits are at odds with each other. Both can be true when there is a criminal invasion of privacy.
Claims to be psychic, or claims that people it knows think it's psychic. It may appear to be prescient in some way. That is because it orchestrates the events that it presages/predicts. If it doesn't orchestrate them, it's awareness of imminent events is likely a result of criminal invasion of privacy.
Omits information/Can't tell the entire story, leaves holes,
Tells you normal sounding stories about friends or people it appears to know intimately well. Refuses to give names when there is absolutely nothing about the story that would preclude it from mentioning a name. For example, "I went to pick up something from my friend's sister who lives seven hours away." (Incidentally, your sister lives seven hours away and pw isn't from anywhere near there and has never mentioned any friends there.) Refuses to say the name of the friend or location. Or, "My friend was listening to x music in their car this morning." It will not name the friend and it was alone in the morning. It's possible from these stories that one of these friends will sound so much like you you will wish you knew this person who you have so much in common with!!!. !.
Will not tell you the names of "friends" from past locations it has lived in nor of previous coworkers.
Attempts to find out if past victims have contacted you
Tries to find out if past victims have been in touch with you in a roundabout way. Asks if you know anyone named so and so. Etc. May tell u to stay away from anyone named so and so because they are bad evil people. Sometime when it tells stories about past people it has had conflicts with, it will not give names. If you're close enough to the pw, it should be able to give a name. If it does, you may find these people do not exist.
Wants to borrow or exchange vehicles
Wants to use your vehicle, even when nothing seems to be wrong with its own vehicle. Or finds excuses to borrow yours. Your vehicle will be used to stalk someone who would otherwise recognize its vehicle.
Friendship fallouts
Is unable to keep friendships with people of the same gender. Complete fallouts occur. Is there a history of complete fallouts with same gender friends?
Emotions (or lack thereof) and personality traits (or lack thereof)
Is unable to cry but will fake it. I happened upon it "crying" one day on the phone. (Two friends had called it up and called it names.) There was something strange about the "crying" besides the fact there were no tears.
The pw I knew fit the "textbook" description of a sociopath with at least one noteworthy exception. The textbook description says they are intelligent. I've found the opposite to be true. The pw I knew came across as a moron if not simply lacking intelligence, unoriginal and uncreative. It used technology to its advantage. I believe it obtained ideas from the intelligent people it was surrounded by. I can see how someone might come across as intelligent or original if he/she passes off other people's ideas as his/her own, or quote others that are intelligent and original.
The one I knew also appeared to feel compassion for its own children and appeared to love them. I don't think it's own neices and nephews had any meaning to it (though that could have resulted from the relationship with the in-law / envy of the in-law).
The pw I knew had a large number of siblings. The father was absent at an early age. It was raised by an older sibling/older siblings for the most part. An older sibling also meted out discipline/punishment. A younger sibling of the same gender came along at a very early age. Everyone fawned over the new baby.
Envy and anger are the two emotions the pw seems to feel exclusively. The pw I knew felt a need to act when angry and claimed to be impulsive when angry. The anger didn't last after pw acted on the angry impulse.
In my case, I have the impression the pw I knew was aware it was a sociopath.
Its relatives behave the same way
Psychopathy is hereditary.
Inability to cry or blink automatically
I haven't come across this one in my research - the one I knew also lacked the ability to blink autonomically. Blinking is something it has to think about doing. If you and I think about blinking, we can do it in an instant. For the psychopath, giving off the appearance of blinking is a process that requires thought and control. Be assured, they will attempt to give off a normal appearance.
Biologically, crying and blinking are closely related. Those who lack the ability to cry probably also lack the ability to blink autonomically. Someone mentioned to me the behavior of a child (unrelated to the pw I know). The child's verbal behavior described was narcissistic and the physical behavior was highly troublesome. I saw this child myself and noted that he did not blink during the minute or so that I observed him. His behavior also fit the psychopathic profile. I believe the absence of blinking is a way to recognize the psychopath.
This does not mean that everyone who lacks autonomic blinking is a psychopath. Just that psychopaths probably lack autonomic blinking. It would be best to look at other indicators if you come across one who doesn't blink. Conversely, I would guess that narcissists and sociopaths (born with empathy supposedly), can blink autonomically. You wouldn't have this indicator if the pwyk is a narcissist or sociopath.
In the case of the pwik, the lack of ability to cry or blink appears to be genetic. It told me that like itself, one of its children (of the same gender), had never cried - that is, from birth. The child was only a few years old, less than three I think when I was told this. Obviously this is hereditary condition. Psychopathy is also a hereditary condition.
I believe that those who have empathy have the ability to cry from birth. Those who are born without empathy (psychopaths), lack the ability to cry from birth...and by extension the ability to blink. Since the last time I updated this, I have come to the conclusion the pw I know is medically a psychopath. (But a pw by any name is still a pw.)
Its relatives behave the same way
Psychopathy is hereditary.
Inability to cry or blink automatically
I haven't come across this one in my research - the one I knew also lacked the ability to blink autonomically. Blinking is something it has to think about doing. If you and I think about blinking, we can do it in an instant. For the psychopath, giving off the appearance of blinking is a process that requires thought and control. Be assured, they will attempt to give off a normal appearance.
Biologically, crying and blinking are closely related. Those who lack the ability to cry probably also lack the ability to blink autonomically. Someone mentioned to me the behavior of a child (unrelated to the pw I know). The child's verbal behavior described was narcissistic and the physical behavior was highly troublesome. I saw this child myself and noted that he did not blink during the minute or so that I observed him. His behavior also fit the psychopathic profile. I believe the absence of blinking is a way to recognize the psychopath.
This does not mean that everyone who lacks autonomic blinking is a psychopath. Just that psychopaths probably lack autonomic blinking. It would be best to look at other indicators if you come across one who doesn't blink. Conversely, I would guess that narcissists and sociopaths (born with empathy supposedly), can blink autonomically. You wouldn't have this indicator if the pwyk is a narcissist or sociopath.
In the case of the pwik, the lack of ability to cry or blink appears to be genetic. It told me that like itself, one of its children (of the same gender), had never cried - that is, from birth. The child was only a few years old, less than three I think when I was told this. Obviously this is hereditary condition. Psychopathy is also a hereditary condition.
I believe that those who have empathy have the ability to cry from birth. Those who are born without empathy (psychopaths), lack the ability to cry from birth...and by extension the ability to blink. Since the last time I updated this, I have come to the conclusion the pw I know is medically a psychopath. (But a pw by any name is still a pw.)